A Family for All

Donors: Amgen Foundation and Marcela Cepeda
Local Ally: Fundación Casa de la Madre y el Niño
Beneficiaries: 100 children
Location: Bogotá, Colombia

In Colombia, more than 8,300 children and teenagers have been abandoned by their parents, forcing them to grow up in orphanages, without a defined family to love or respect them. Fundación Casa de la Madre del Niño works to defend the rights of these children. Based in Bogotá, the foundation offers nutrition, education, health, and recreational activities to children all over the country, while helping them find a family, be it by reintegrating them with their biological family or through adoption.

This project aimed to break the cycle of poverty by offering abandoned children in the areas surrounding Bogotá the opportunity to have a family, reestablishing their right to an education, nutrition, health and quality of life. The budget included an interdisciplinary and medical evaluation for the children, conferences with the families before adopting children, and psychological and medical preparation for the children to ensure a smooth transition into their new household, among other activities.