Donor: Multiple Donors
Local Ally: Fundación SoyDoy
Beneficiaries: N/A
Location: Bogotá, Colombia
In Colombia, over 50% of families do not get the minimum of three meals per day. This means they are also not receiving the necessary nutrients to guarantee a healthy diet, placing them in the category of “nutrionally at risk”. Fundación Soÿdoÿ was created with the goal to tackle this very issue as their mission is to reduce the levels of malnutrition in vulnerable Colombian communities through the implementation of productive and sustainable projects. They support small, low-income communities that are looking to improve their general health standard through programs that focus in both nutrition and entrepreneurship. Their work is centered on the well-being of children between the ages of 2 to 11, as well as elderly individuals, as these are the two populations that are most prone to negative health issues by the lack of proper nutrition.
The contributions channeled through this donation went to support the operational costs of Fundación Soÿdoÿ. We are a proud to support Fundación Soÿdoÿ as they have ensured food security for more than 15,000 beneficiaries spanning over 21 cities in Colombia.