Donor: Tamarin Foundation
Local Ally: Fundación Carla Cristina
Beneficiaries: 100 children
Location: Medellín, Antioquia
Although there is no doubt that the city of Medellin has grown much in the past few decades in terms of education and work opportunities, it still lacks the necessary number of early childhood development centers/nurseries which are the foundation for jump starting a child’s development. The lacks of such nurseries is even more disproportionate on neighboorhoods like Barrio Iguana.
In the hopes of tackling this issue, Fundacion Carla Cristina has remodeled and equiped four nurseries for 100 children under three years of age, where they now hope to promote health, nutrition, and learning. As part of the project, they also carried out an intervention to improve the food areas of the nursery, and conducted awareness campaigns for the parents of the community. In addition, the foundation managed to create an alliance with Comfenalco, which will make sure that the nutritional and developmental needs of the children are met for the next three years.