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Other Ventures

Give To Colombia continues to explore innovative ways for our donors to contribute through G2C. These are some of our endeavors.

Give To Colombia is committed to the environment, which is why we have now partnered with DonorConnection, an NGO that seeks to give old electronics a new purpose while providing G2C with a small donation for each item, whether it’s your old laptop, phone, or tablet

You will then receive a tax deduction just for getting rid of old items. If you’re located anywhere within the continetal U.S., you can ship your item for free. 

If you with to donate your used electronics, please fill out the form below. To learn more, visit DonorConnection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Any old device (phones, tablets, and laptops) that you wish to get rid of. 

Cell phones and tablets must be less than 5 years old, and laptops must be less than 7 years old. 

Yes! DonorConnection will cover all shipping costs, all you need to do is fill out the form and you will receive a free shipping label. 

You can use any cardboard box along with some padding, which can be bubble wrap, paper, foam, packing peanuts, or any item you find at hand. 

Yes, DonorConnection will wipe the device and provide you with a certificate of data destruction. 

Please do remember to log out of any accounts, such as iCloud Accounts, Google Drive, etc. 

We ask that you only include chargers. Please refrain from including any bags, covers, sleeves, or other accessories that did not originally come with the device. 

Yes! DonorConnection will send you a receipt for your tax deduction, along with a Device Passport link for each device donated where you will see that your item was received. 

You can always send an email to donations@givetocolombia.org and we will help you! 

Water Flow

More than 4 millions homes in rural Colombia do not have access to potable water and sanitation. In March of 2012, Give To Colombia was selected by the Inter-American Development Bank to carry out a $2 million project titled “Comprehensive Models of Access to Water and Sanitation in Rural Areas of Colombia.”

Since then, G2C has successfully implemented three scalable and sustainable programs throughout the country, some of which are being replicated in other countries such as El Salvador. These projects have provided water and sanitation solutions for thousands of individuals in the department of Magdalena, in Guachené (Valle de Cauca), and in Cañasgordas (Antioquia). The Cañasgordas project won the 2014 BID-FEMSA award for Most Innovative Water & Sanitation Project in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Inspired by this award-winning project, Give To Colombia, in partnership with Good World Games, decided to develop an entertaining and educational mobile game that raises awareness on the importance of water and the issues faced by low-income rural communities in Latin America.

Click here to play the game. To download the app for apple devices, click here. If you wish to learn more about the story of our game and its mechanics, you can read more here.

Transforming Philanthropy

The Transforming Philanthropy initiatve was created in 2010 in the hopes of jump-starting philanthropy in the region. It consisted of forums targeted towards prominent individuals and families in Colombia, along with a year-long learning program to prepare next generation philanthropists to become more effective and impactful givers.

This initiative was launched by Give To Colombia’s very own Felipe Medina with the purpose of creating a community of strategic philanthropists and facilitating collaboration and exchanges of best practices and lessons learned, with the final objective of increasing the volume of effective social investments. 

To learn more, please visit Filantropia Transformadora